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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Internet of things: Wednesday 21st of July Professor Giovanni Comandé (Sant’Anna School) invited at the world conference with the founder of Algorand and the head of AI of Facebook

Publication date: 08.07.2021
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Internet and Rights: Giovanni Comandé, Full Professor in Comparative Private Law at the Dirpolis Institute (Institute of Law, Politics and Development) and Coordinator of the Lider-Lab (International and Comparative Law Research Laboratory) of the Sant’Anna School, will participate at the first annual conference in the framework of the research project “RIOE - Rights of the Internet of Everything” that will be held online on the following days: Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd of July. The project ‘‘Rights of the Internet of Everything’’ (Last-JD-RIoE) has been funded under the European program Horizon 2020 (H2020) for research and innovation.

The event gathers the world’s top authorities of ‘’Internet of things’’ and aims to promote the scientific discussion and business oppurtunities. On Wednesday 21st of July, in the session dedicated to the ‘’The Internet of Persons’’, Professor Comandé will discuss with Silvio Micali, founder of Algorand, the project which is based on the blockchain technology in order to guarantee secure transactions, and Norberto Andrade, head of the digital Ethics and artificial intelligence sector of Facebook.

Conference program: click here.

To register: click here.


Cover photo: Giovanni Comandé.